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DSA with C/C++
DSA with C/C++
Master DSA with C/C++ & Unlock Your Programming Potential: Coding Challenges Conquered!
Master DSA with C/C++ & Unlock Your Programming Potential: Coding Challenges Conquered!
Master DSA with C/C++ & Unlock Your Programming Potential: Coding Challenges Conquered!

3 months
LIVE Online
Hands-on, Theoretic
December, 2024
Program Details
Program Details
Program Details
This pre-grad program equips you with the fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) using C++, a powerful and industry-standard language. Dive deep into essential data structures like lists and trees, and conquer algorithms for efficient searching and sorting. This comprehensive program, designed for weekend learning over 3 months, empowers you to excel in technical interviews and build a strong foundation for a future in software development. Get ready to transform from coding novice to DSA pro – enroll now and unlock your full potential!
This pre-grad program equips you with the fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) using C++, a powerful and industry-standard language. Dive deep into essential data structures like lists and trees, and conquer algorithms for efficient searching and sorting. This comprehensive program, designed for weekend learning over 3 months, empowers you to excel in technical interviews and build a strong foundation for a future in software development. Get ready to transform from coding novice to DSA pro – enroll now and unlock your full potential!
This pre-grad program equips you with the fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) using C++, a powerful and industry-standard language. Dive deep into essential data structures like lists and trees, and conquer algorithms for efficient searching and sorting. This comprehensive program, designed for weekend learning over 3 months, empowers you to excel in technical interviews and build a strong foundation for a future in software development. Get ready to transform from coding novice to DSA pro – enroll now and unlock your full potential!
Who should enroll?
Who should enroll?
Who should enroll?
- You want to gain an in-depth understanding of data structures.
- You want to get good at programming and understand coding.
- You aim to enhance your problem-solving skills using C/C++.
- You seek to build a strong foundation for any advanced computer science topics.
- You want to gain an in-depth understanding of data structures.
- You want to get good at programming and understand coding.
- You aim to enhance your problem-solving skills using C/C++.
- You seek to build a strong foundation for any advanced computer science topics.
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Limited Seats in the Cohort
TEACHING PLAN (3 Month Program)
Week 1
Session 1: C++ introduction, Datatypes, Operators
- C++ introduction, How do C++ Programs Run?
- Data Types in C++
- Operators like Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Assingent, Bitwise, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, etc.
Session 2: Flow Control
- If else, Nested If else, Switch statement in C++.
Assessment - Leap Year, Simple Calculator, etc
Session 3: Loops
- For Loops, While Loops, Do While Loops, Break & Continue statements.
Assessment - All Divisor of a Number, Fibonacci Numbers, Binary to Decimal, etc
Week 1
Session 1: C++ introduction, Datatypes, Operators
- C++ introduction, How do C++ Programs Run?
- Data Types in C++
- Operators like Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Assingent, Bitwise, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, etc.
Session 2: Flow Control
- If else, Nested If else, Switch statement in C++.
Assessment - Leap Year, Simple Calculator, etc
Session 3: Loops
- For Loops, While Loops, Do While Loops, Break & Continue statements.
Assessment - All Divisor of a Number, Fibonacci Numbers, Binary to Decimal, etc
Week 1
Session 1: C++ introduction, Datatypes, Operators
- C++ introduction, How do C++ Programs Run?
- Data Types in C++
- Operators like Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical, Assingent, Bitwise, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, etc.
Session 2: Flow Control
- If else, Nested If else, Switch statement in C++.
Assessment - Leap Year, Simple Calculator, etc
Session 3: Loops
- For Loops, While Loops, Do While Loops, Break & Continue statements.
Assessment - All Divisor of a Number, Fibonacci Numbers, Binary to Decimal, etc
Week 1
Session 4: Analysis of Algorithm
- Asymptotic analysis (Order of Growth, Best, Average and Worst cases of various algorithms using Asymptotic Notations)
- Time & Space Complexity
Session 5: Pointer
- Address and Dereference Operators, Introduction to Pointers, Function Parameter and Pointers, NULL in C++, null ptr in C++, Dynamic Memory Allocation, etc
Session 6: Recursion
- Introduction to Recursion
- Writing Base Cases in Recursion
- Tail Recursion
Assessment - Rope Cutting Problem, Rat in a Maze, etc
Session 7: Back Tracking
- Introduction to Backtracking
Assessment - Tower of Hanoi, Josephus Problem etc
Week 1
Session 4: Analysis of Algorithm
- Asymptotic analysis (Order of Growth, Best, Average and Worst cases of various algorithms using Asymptotic Notations)
- Time & Space Complexity
Session 5: Pointer
- Address and Dereference Operators, Introduction to Pointers, Function Parameter and Pointers, NULL in C++, null ptr in C++, Dynamic Memory Allocation, etc
Session 6: Recursion
- Introduction to Recursion
- Writing Base Cases in Recursion
- Tail Recursion
Assessment - Rope Cutting Problem, Rat in a Maze, etc
Session 7: Back Tracking
- Introduction to Backtracking
Assessment - Tower of Hanoi, Josephus Problem etc
Week 1
Session 4: Analysis of Algorithm
- Asymptotic analysis (Order of Growth, Best, Average and Worst cases of various algorithms using Asymptotic Notations)
- Time & Space Complexity
Session 5: Pointer
- Address and Dereference Operators, Introduction to Pointers, Function Parameter and Pointers, NULL in C++, null ptr in C++, Dynamic Memory Allocation, etc
Session 6: Recursion
- Introduction to Recursion
- Writing Base Cases in Recursion
- Tail Recursion
Assessment - Rope Cutting Problem, Rat in a Maze, etc
Session 7: Back Tracking
- Introduction to Backtracking
Assessment - Tower of Hanoi, Josephus Problem etc
Week 3
Session 8 & 9: Arrays
- Introduction to Arrays
- Operations of Arrays - Searching, Insertion, and Deletion
- Sliding Window Technique
Assessment - Leaders in an Array Problem, Stock Buy and Sell, Trapping Rain Water, Kth smallest element, Subarray sum divisible K, etc
Session 10: Practice more questions on Leetcode, Hackerrank
Week 3
Session 8 & 9: Arrays
- Introduction to Arrays
- Operations of Arrays - Searching, Insertion, and Deletion
- Sliding Window Technique
Assessment - Leaders in an Array Problem, Stock Buy and Sell, Trapping Rain Water, Kth smallest element, Subarray sum divisible K, etc
Session 10: Practice more questions on Leetcode, Hackerrank
Week 3
Session 8 & 9: Arrays
- Introduction to Arrays
- Operations of Arrays - Searching, Insertion, and Deletion
- Sliding Window Technique
Assessment - Leaders in an Array Problem, Stock Buy and Sell, Trapping Rain Water, Kth smallest element, Subarray sum divisible K, etc
Session 10: Practice more questions on Leetcode, Hackerrank
Week 4
Session 11: Searching
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Two Pointer Approach
Assessment - Index of the first Occurrence in SortedArray, Count 1s in a Sorted Binary Array, Square root of a number, Aggressive cows, etc
Session 12,13 & 14: Sorting
- Sorting Algorithms e.g. Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort
Assessment - Minimum Difference in an Array, Chocolate Distribution Problem, Minimum sWAPs to sort, etc
Week 4
Session 11: Searching
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Two Pointer Approach
Assessment - Index of the first Occurrence in SortedArray, Count 1s in a Sorted Binary Array, Square root of a number, Aggressive cows, etc
Session 12,13 & 14: Sorting
- Sorting Algorithms e.g. Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort
Assessment - Minimum Difference in an Array, Chocolate Distribution Problem, Minimum sWAPs to sort, etc
Week 4
Session 11: Searching
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Two Pointer Approach
Assessment - Index of the first Occurrence in SortedArray, Count 1s in a Sorted Binary Array, Square root of a number, Aggressive cows, etc
Session 12,13 & 14: Sorting
- Sorting Algorithms e.g. Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort
Assessment - Minimum Difference in an Array, Chocolate Distribution Problem, Minimum sWAPs to sort, etc
Week 5
Session 15: Matrix
- Multidimensional Array
- Passing 2D Arrays as an argument
Examples- Transpose of a Matrix, Matrix in Snake Pattern, Count Distinct Elements, etc
Session 16: Hashing
- Introduction to Hashing
- Collision Handling
- Hashing Function
Session 17: Practice Leetcode Questions
Week 5
Session 15: Matrix
- Multidimensional Array
- Passing 2D Arrays as an argument
Examples- Transpose of a Matrix, Matrix in Snake Pattern, Count Distinct Elements, etc
Session 16: Hashing
- Introduction to Hashing
- Collision Handling
- Hashing Function
Session 17: Practice Leetcode Questions
Week 5
Session 15: Matrix
- Multidimensional Array
- Passing 2D Arrays as an argument
Examples- Transpose of a Matrix, Matrix in Snake Pattern, Count Distinct Elements, etc
Session 16: Hashing
- Introduction to Hashing
- Collision Handling
- Hashing Function
Session 17: Practice Leetcode Questions
Week 6
Session 18 & 19: Strings
- Introduction to Strings
- Pattern Searching Algorithm (Boyer Moore Algorithm)
- Rabin Karp Algorithm
- KMP Algorithm
Assessment - Palindrome Check, Anagram Search, Word wrap, etc
Session 20 & 21: Linked List
- Introduction to Linked List
- Traversing a Linked List
- Insertion and Deletion of Node
- Doubly Linked List and Circular Linked List
Assessment - Loop detection, Intersection of two LL, Sum of two LL, etc
Week 6
Session 18 & 19: Strings
- Introduction to Strings
- Pattern Searching Algorithm (Boyer Moore Algorithm)
- Rabin Karp Algorithm
- KMP Algorithm
Assessment - Palindrome Check, Anagram Search, Word wrap, etc
Session 20 & 21: Linked List
- Introduction to Linked List
- Traversing a Linked List
- Insertion and Deletion of Node
- Doubly Linked List and Circular Linked List
Assessment - Loop detection, Intersection of two LL, Sum of two LL, etc
Week 6
Session 18 & 19: Strings
- Introduction to Strings
- Pattern Searching Algorithm (Boyer Moore Algorithm)
- Rabin Karp Algorithm
- KMP Algorithm
Assessment - Palindrome Check, Anagram Search, Word wrap, etc
Session 20 & 21: Linked List
- Introduction to Linked List
- Traversing a Linked List
- Insertion and Deletion of Node
- Doubly Linked List and Circular Linked List
Assessment - Loop detection, Intersection of two LL, Sum of two LL, etc
Download Complete 3 Months Plan
Download Complete 3 Months Plan
Pregrad Career Assist Access
career-specific resume tailoring
Personal Branding
Build and showcase your skills in public
Strategic LinkedIn profiling
Community Session
Strengthen Communication
Improve presentation skills
Interview Preparation
Mock community sessions & GD
Art of negotiation
Domain workshops/Masterclasses
Masterclasses from professionals
HR Session
Career Kick-start
Internship/Freelance/ Applications & Interview
Placement assistance in final year

Total Fee of the Program
₹ 20060/- Including tax
0% cost EMI Option Available*
EMI options for admission will not be available on discounted Fee or admission through scholarship
Live Learning delivered by Industry veteran
Sessions Backup
Hands-On Projects & Challenges
Global Certifications
Access to Career Assist cell*
Payment gateway Razorpay
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Is this course for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced level?
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Will I be provided with recordings of classes and how long will we have access to it?
What is the role of the mentor?
What are the profiles of the mentors?
How often does the new Batch start?
When will we be getting internship opportunities?
How is placement at Pregrad?
What is the success rate of the Pregrad's Pre-graduation Program?
Is this course for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced level?
What is the duration of this Program?
Is it possible to shift my batch?
Is this course for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced level?
What is the class schedule for the Program?
Will I be provided with recordings of classes and how long will we have access to it?
What is the role of the mentor?
What are the profiles of the mentors?
How often does the new Batch start?
When will we be getting internship opportunities?
How is placement at Pregrad?
What is the success rate of the Pregrad's Pre-graduation Program?
Is this course for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced level?
What is the duration of this Program?
Is it possible to shift my batch?
Is this course for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced level?
What is the class schedule for the Program?
Will I be provided with recordings of classes and how long will we have access to it?
What is the role of the mentor?
What are the profiles of the mentors?
How often does the new Batch start?
When will we be getting internship opportunities?
How is placement at Pregrad?
What is the success rate of the Pregrad's Pre-graduation Program?

G Block Sector 6, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301
+91 9971300194

G Block Sector 6, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301
+91 9971300194